by admin | Oct 24, 2024 | Boundaries, Dating, Prioritize Yourself, Sex, Uncategorized
Just in case you’re wondering if it’s possible, or acceptable, to envision what kind of D/s you’d like to have in the future… Absol- fucking- utely!!!!! If you are on the right side of the slash- the submissive- you might get twisted into thinking that you HAVE to...
by admin | Oct 22, 2024 | Boundaries, Dating, Prioritize Yourself, Sex, Uncategorized
Are you someone who listens to your gut? How in tune are you to your nervous system and how someone makes you feel? Are you paying attention to the way your body reacts to them? Or is the lure of submission so strong that you’re shapeshifting to get them to want you?...
by admin | Oct 22, 2024 | Boundaries, Dating, Prioritize Yourself, Sex, Uncategorized
I realized that I was craving a break from life. My most recent relationship had fallen far short of the D/s I began to crave and often felt like I was often mothering another child. As you can imagine, that was the last thing I wanted out of a relationship. Financial...
by admin | Aug 6, 2024 | Boundaries, Dating, Prioritize Yourself, Sex, Uncategorized
If there is one thing to know about me it’s that I am NOT a “let the chips fall where they may” kinda person. Even though I like to live my life doing things a little differently, I do not “let” things happen to me. I shift and evolve but I typically do so with...
by C J | Dec 19, 2023 | Boundaries
Learning the Importance of Honoring Myself: The Monday after Thanksgiving in 1999, I pointed my sun-stained burgundy Honda Accord westward towards Los Angeles. I was leaving the city of Chicago for good. I had intentionally looked for work in L.A. to reunite with...