You’re Not Alone in Feeling Lonely

You’re Not Alone in Feeling Lonely

Introduction Are you feeling alone, isolated and touch hungry? Well, you’re not the only one! A Harvard survey conducted in 2020 found that 61% of adults from 18 to 25 reported feeling serious loneliness, compared to 39% across the general population. Social isolation...
Aging Audaciously: Giving Myself Permission

Aging Audaciously: Giving Myself Permission

In my early forties I came to the realization that my marriage wasn’t going to last. After several years of child bearing and rearing, my desire for intimacy was raging but my husband wasn’t up for it. I oscillated between advocating for myself and taking solace in...
When you need to share a secret

When you need to share a secret

How to have a difficult conversation with an intimate partner   Good communication in relationships is something we desire but it’s not always something that we start with or have the tools to create. Many people find themselves in committed relationships before...
HSV and Dating

HSV and Dating

“Date your own” needs to go   Whether you’re recently diagnosed or have been living with HSV (herpes simplex virus) for a long time, you are not alone. This can be a difficult thing to experience but you are in good company and it doesn’t have to impact your...
The Silent Sufferers of Toxic Masculinity

The Silent Sufferers of Toxic Masculinity

When I began preparing to work as a phone sex operator, I had an idea of what my clients would ask of me. The vast majority of the clients I serve are male identifying and probably cisgender. I market myself as a Femme Dom and a Mistress. For those who don’t know what...